An early iteration of The Buckle Downs and MCSA were the teacher bands for the 5th anniversary party.
The original concert space was about 7' more narrow than it is today. We tore down the '5 year' wall right after the party.
First ever Sunburst show at Hard Rock Cafe pittsburgh.
I believe this Sunburst Rocks group was doing a mashup of the Weezer Blue album and the Beatles White album, good combo IMHO.
after our band programs germinated for a few years we started performing all over the city, including the always rainy Pgh Marathon.
These are the same kids from our first ever SBR group rocking Littles across the street.
Teacher Brendan and incognito student on the main stage at Coachella I mean Environmental Charter School.
Mikey and Julian tuning up
This band wrote all of their songs for the season, it was amazing.
Dave performing at one of our very first open mic nights.
An early performance from our a cappella group 'The Suntones'
Our teacher Chloe came up with the Suntones and this awesome logo
One of our favorite methods for naming bands is to write down a bunch of words on little cards and mix them up. As a result Poison Thunder is now taken.
Record scratching class.
Summer field trip to Tuff Sound Recording in Point Breeze.
Still trying to figure out the best way to put these chairs.
So much easier than moving chairs around.
Room 3 reset guide.
We found this piano sound board in a movie prop warehouse, it's still bolted to the wall behind the desk.
Our little snow covered village of Squirrel Hill from the window of room 10
Mikey taking a break at the Three Rivers Regatta
One of our first school visits!
Here's me at the camp fair, there were other people there I think.
One of our favorite warm weather activities is the "mini lesson" tent, we've met a lot of amazing students at these events.
We love doing events at Schenley Plaza.
Fin ready for mini guitar lessons (get it?)
Our long time student Nina teaching her first guitar lesson!
First ever birthday party at Sunburst
Rock band in empty gymnasium is a tough gig, these guys really pulled it off though!
The amazing 'Bobertron 5000' was the product of our Robot Takeover camp, where students built a music playing robot and composed music for it.
Thomas setin' up the kit.
One of our adult students volunteered to do a guest robotics demo!
The power trio 'Robot Smash Music'
100 digits of π
Sunburst House Band on TV!
... And on the radio!
First House Band class playing Schenley Plaza
Hi Didi! Our first office manager/program coordinator/resident artist, and of course camera person.
New music for sale from Sunburst instructors!
Having spaces for our teachers to rehearse after hours is a huge bonus!
Practicing for a townsppl show with a little help from Sunburst instructors
View from the roof.
Chloe on Beni's bass on stage at Picklesburgh, practicing the bass face.
Brandon and Mary performing at one of our recitals
Mikey kept saying he was seeing the pringles guy in the carpet then he showed us this...
One of my all time favorite band name/logo combinations, it's like the eagle just read the words for the first time...
One hundred digits of π
My son Grey is about 10 mo old for his first picture day! He's a natural percussionist.
All of our bands designed their own merch for this season! And helped run the table to raise money for the scholarship.
THE fluffy unicorns.
It happened again. Naomi, Aubrey and I on what was clearly maroon day on the calendar.
House band on the big stage at Mr Smalls Theatre
Our Junk Yard James Camp was all about making instruments from recycled materials
All of the raw material ready to be made musical.
license plate + baluster = guitar
tongue and groove flooring + cassette tapes + stack of floppy disks + telephone = Dobro? Sure!!
Fin helping campers in the animation studio.
Our annual halloween party 'Night of the Living Bands' can't wait to bring this back for 2021!
Are you ready to take the spooky tree challenge? It's when you have 25 min before the party to make a spooky tree out of rosin paper... Go!
Grey at almost 2, contemplating what he referred to is his "Acowiss".
Playing for change event outside of Spruce and Adorn ft contemplate Unicorns
Socially Distant House Band Practice, this year's house band rules and we can't wait for them to start playing again this summer!
Room too small for social distancing? Grab the sawzall! We call this pandemic setup 'the tandem rooms'.
The show must go on outdoors for 2020!
Our 2020 music production camp via Zoom!
Drum teacher Kevin perfecting his online teaching setup.
And that about brings us to the present day. Thanks so much for reading and for everyone who's played a part in our first 10 years! Here's to many, many more!
-Alex Stanton
Founder & Director
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