A yellow logo for sunburst school of music


The Uke is often thought of as a good alternative to guitar for kids in the 4-6 age range, and this is definitely true, but it can be so much more!

Starting out on the Ukulele is beneficial for young children for several reasons. It is smaller than its cousin, the guitar, and the strings are made of nylon instead of steel which is easier on little fingers. Additionally, the instruments are tuned  the same way (relatively speaking), so much of what is learned on the Uke is transferable to the guitar.

Not only is the uke a good starting instrument for young children, it’s also a beloved by older kids and adults, with a rich history and character to be explored. Our instructors can cover a variety of advanced technique and theory topics for our intermediate and advanced students.

Ready to get started? 

New students can book a discounted trial lesson to meet our team and take the first steps on the their journey.

Book a Trial Lesson

Have questions? Our Admin Team is available 7 days per week.

  An instrument for all ages

New students will start out in a similar manor to guitar and bass students: playing single notes, technique for both hands, note reading, chords, and strumming. In addition to scales and exercizes, we try to encorporate as much of the music you love as possible, the uke is a greate way to strum and sing simplified versions of thousands of songs.

Ukulele lessons are a fun, rewarding, and accessible musical experience. We encourage all of our uke students to perform in our recitals, open mics, and group programs. This instrument also fits neatly into the overhead compartment!

Private Lessons at Sunburst

Trial Lessons

We recommend that new students begin with a Trial Lesson. These are offered at a discount and provide a great way for students to experience a full lesson, meet their teacher, and discuss their goals for lessons, all before committing to a monthly plan.

Book a Trial Lesson

  • Trials are limited to 1 per student per instructor, students are welcome to book additional trials with as many of our instructors as they would like.
  • Trials can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance
  • Booking a trial lesson does not guarantee the availability of the same time and/or instructor for ongoing weekly lessons.

Weekly Lessons

One-on-one private lessons provide the most individualized learning experience we offer at Sunburst. Our team of talented and patient instructors works hard to make sure we are tailoring each lesson to the individual needs of the student and allowing them to work at their own pace. 

Learning an instrument takes time and consistent practice, therefore our recommendation for most students is ongoing weekly lessons in the same time slot. These are offered in a few different durations, in general we recommend students increase their lesson duration both as they get older and more advanced:

  • 20 Minutes Weekly - 4&5 year olds only
  • 30 Minutes Weekly - 6 and up but recommended for younger kids
  • 45 Minutes Weekly - 6 and up but recommended for older kids, teens and adults
  • 60 Minutes Weekly - 6 and up but recommended for teens and adults
Our Lessons are month to month for a flat rate, and we have a very flexible cancellation and make up policy:

If you've already had a trial lesson, or if you are a former student looking to re-enroll, you can book weekly lessons here:

Book Weekly Lessons

  • We recommend that all new students start with a trial lesson.

Drop-In Lessons

For adults who have unpredictable schedules, we offer drop-in lessons that can be scheduled at your convenience. 

Book a Drop-in Lesson

  • Drop-in Lessons can be booked a maximum of 2 weeks in advance
  • Drop-in Lessons are subject to availability and do not reserve an ongoing timeslot

Ukulele Lessons

Private Lesson FAQ

  • When are lessons available?

    Our School is open 7 days per week, use the booking link above to pursue our availability for a time that works for you. If you can’t find anything, reach out to our admin team here, we may have more times available.

  • What should I bring to my lesson?

    We have all of the equipment you might need for your lesson, so you don’t need to bring anything to a trial. Guitarists in particular should bring their guitar if they have one but we recommend using one of our amplifiers. Once you’ve begun weekly lessons, your instructor may ask that you bring certain books or lessons materials, etc.

  • What happens if I need to cancel?

    We have an extremely flexible cancellation policy! Please read our full policy details here.

  • Do I need to do a trial lesson?

    We highly recommend new students start with a trial lesson to make sure it’s a good fit with their instructor. 

  • What happens after my trial lesson?

    After your trial lesson you’ll have the option of signing up for weekly lessons with your instructor, either in the same time slot if it's available or another that works better for you. You can also book another trial lesson if you’d like to try another instructor. Please allow 10-15 minutes after your lesson time to discuss the options with our admin team.

  • Can I take my lesson online?

    Yes! When you’re booking your trial lesson you will see options for online lessons. All of our instructors who teach from the school are also available online and we have a few teachers who are fully remote. Make sure that if you’re booking with a teacher who only has online availability that you’re OK with lessons being online in perpetuity. Finally, if you normally come in person but would like to move one of your lessons online for convenience, please let us know at least 24 hours before the start of the lesson.

  • Do you offer Group Lessons?

    Yes! We have a few different options:

    • Group Lessons - these are similar to private lessons but for 2–3 students on the same instrument, see below for details.
    • Group Programs - these are things like band programs that are meant to be an add on for students who are already taking lessons.
  • Do you offer BiWeekly or Drop-in Lessons?

    While we recommend weekly lessons for most students, we also have a drop in lessons option, which is great for adults with unpredictable schedules. Drop-in lessons are similar to trial lessons in that they can only be booked 2 weeks in advance, and do not guarantee a reserved ongoing time slot. Book a Drop-in here.

Current Students—Log in to view your calendar, cancel lessons and book make ups, and more!

Jam Together with Group Lessons

Private Group Lessons

For friends or family members who would like to take lessons together, we offer many of our same instruments, times, and teachers as Private Group Lessons! 

These lessons work just like private lessons for 2–4 students sharing a time with the same teacher. Private Group Lessons are a ton of fun, a great way to learn, and a great way to save money on Private Lessons. Click below to book a trial:

Book a Private Group Trial

Looking for more group music activities?

In addition to group lessons, we offer a variety of group programing for students of all ages, including the Sunburst Band Program, Explore, Summer Camps, Events, and the illustrious Sunburst House Band

Check out our Programs page to get involved!

Ukulele Lessons
  • How are Private Group Lessons different from Private Lessons?

    All of our same policies including scheduling, make ups, withdrawals, etc. all apply to Private Groups as if they were one student, with the exception that we are able to set up separate partial payments on request. 

  • What if I don't have a group partner?

    As of now, we only offer group lessons for groups composed of friends or family members. We're looking to launch Open Group Lessons fall 2022, reach out to us here if you'd like to be on the waitlist!

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